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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - sheet


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Перевод с английского языка sheet на русский


1) лист (напр. бумаги); листок; листовой материал (напр. электротехническая сталь)

2) пластина; пластинка; слой

3) листовое покрытие; нанесённый слой || использовать листовое покрытие; наносить слой

4) печатный лист

5) таблица; бланк

6) диаграмма; номограмма; график

7) схема; блок-схема

8) периодическое (печатное) издание

cascading style sheetscue sheetcurrent sheetelectric sheetend sheetflow sheetheliospheric current sheetimplementation sheetlayout sheetneutral current sheetPolaroid sheetprint layout sheetprogram sheetseparatrix sheetsetup sheetspecification sheetstyle sheettechnical data sheet

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См. в других словарях

  1) лист; листовой материал, тонколистовой материал2) карта; таблица•abrasive sheetannealed metal sheetblack sheetcalibration sheetcover sheetsdimension sheetenameled sheetfoam sheetinclined sheetjob tracking sheetmachining process sheetmethods sheetoil sheetoperation sheetparent sheetperforated sheetplanning sheetprocess sheetrolled sheetroute sheetrouting sheetrun sheetsample spread sheetsetting sheetsetup sheetshop-to-shop flow sheetspread sheetstacked workpiece sheettest sheetthin sheettool setup sheettooling setup sheetusage history data sheetweb sheet ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  I  1. noun  1) простыня; between the sheets - в постели; as white as a sheet - бледный как полотно  2) лист (бумаги, стекла, металла); листок  3) печатный лист (тж. printers sheet)  4) газета  5) широкая полоса, пелена, обширная поверхность (воды, снега, пламени)  6) ведомость, таблица  7) poet. парус  8) geol. пласт  9) electr. пластина коллектора  10) attr. листовой; sheet iron - (тонкое) листовое железо; sheet rubber - листовая резина - clean sheet  2. v. покрывать (простыней, брезентом, снегом и т.п.) - sheet down II naut.  1. noun шкот three sheets in/to the wind, three sheets in the winds eye sl. - вдрызг пьяный  2. v. выбирать шкоты - sheet home SHEET down литься сплошным потоком, лить как из ведра (о дожде) We cant possibly hold the garden party, its been sheeting down all morning. SHEET home  а) naut. выбирать (шкоты, паруса) Sheet the sail home, we need all the wind we can get!  б) amer.; coll. заставить понять, осознать The failure of the firms efforts at last sheeted home the need for proper preparation of business conditions. SHEET lightning зарница SHEET music небольшое, отдельно изданное музыкальное произведение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. простыня between the sheets —- разг. в постели as white as a sheet —- бледный как полотно 2. чехол the furniture was covered with dust sheets —- мебель от пыли была накрыта чехлами 3. саван 4. парус; шкот 5. лист (бумаги, металла); пластинка sheet of notepaper —- листок почтовой бумаги sheet of glass —- лист стекла carbon sheet —- листок копирки sheet steel —- листовая сталь iron roof with corrugated sheets —- крыша из гофрированного железа 6. противень, лист (также baking sheet) 7. лист почтовых марок 8. лист картона (для накладывания экспонатов) an herbarium of 100 sheets —- гербарий на 100 листов 9. страница the following sheets —- последующие страницы 10. полигр. сфальцованный печатный лист the book is in sheets —- книга не сброшюрована, книга в листах to read the proof sheets —- читать верстку sheets hot from the press —- только что отпечатанные листы 11. полигр. печатный лист 12. пелена, широкая полоса, обширная поверхность, слой (воды, снега) ice sheet —- ледяной покров, ледяной щит sheet of flame —- стена огня the rain is coming down in sheets —- (дождь) льет как из ведра 13. газета yellow sheet —- бульварный листок gossip sheet —- газетка со сплетнями о знаменитостях, светскими новостями 14. таблица; ведомость balance sheet —- баланс, балансовый отчет police charge sheet —- полицейский протокол 15. эл. пластина коллектора 16....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) лист; пластина 2) пласт (клеток) – pleated sheet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) лист, листок 2) таблица 3) ведомость • - account sheet - balance sheet - balance sheet account - balance sheet profit - balance sheet risk - balance sheet risks - balance sheet value - comparative balance sheet - comparison sheet - composite balance sheet - condensed balance sheet - continuation sheet - cost sheet - coupon sheet - cumulative balance sheet - daily time sheet - department cost sheet - double-account form balance sheet - employment sheet - instruction sheet - interest sheet - job sheet - spoilt sheet - work sheet - yellow sheet Syn: returns, journal, register, records SHEET – title sheet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бланк 2) ведомость 3) лист 4) пелена 5) пласт 6) полость 7) таблица 8) тонкий лист 9) тонколистовой blank of starting sheet — матрица катодной основы consisting of one sheet — однолистность consolidated balance sheet — баланс сводный corrugable sheet metal — волнистый листовой металл curl sheet edge — закатывать кромку валиком galvanized sheet metal — оцинкованный листовой металл hyperboloid of one sheet — гиперболоид однополостный left-hand edge of map sheet — западная зарамочная часть Riemann surface sheet — лист римановой поверхности right-hand edge of map sheet — восточная зарамочная часть rolled-up vortex sheet — свернутая вихревая пелена rolling of sheet metal — литейно-прокатный, листопрокатный sheet delivery apparatus — выводное устройство sheet of a rubber mix — лист резиновой смеси turnover balance sheet — экон. ведомость оборотная tympan draw sheet — затяжной лист - author's sheet - automobile-body sheet - channeled sheet - coated sheet - compilation sheet - composite sheet - computation sheet - corrugated sheet - cost sheet - current sheet - embossed sheet - exfoliation of sheet - field sheet - fluted sheet - galvanized sheet - ice sheet - inspection sheet - jet sheet - lagging sheet - lava sheet - lay sheet - lay-out sheet - locking sheet - mantle sheet - matching of sheet - operation sheet - overthrust sheet - parabolic sheet - perforated sheet - picked sheet - printer's sheet - record sheet - request sheet - rigid PVC sheet - rubber sheet - scrap a sheet - sheet aluminum - sheet article - sheet brass - sheet cavitation - sheet classifier - sheet copper - sheet deposit - sheet dough - sheet...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) лист 2) пластина 3) диаграмма; таблица; схема – application sheet – retransmitter sheet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  лист, листовой материал acrylic sheet aluminum sheet asbestos building sheet asbestos-cement sheet asbestos-cement roofing sheets base sheet black sheet cap sheet corrugated sheet cranked sheet detail sheet expanded cork sheet fast sheet flexible sheet protective canvas sheet PVC lined steel sheet rigid sheet rubber sheet specification work sheets steel sheet take-off sheets ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) лист 2) метал. (тонкий) лист; тонколистовая сталь 3) обшивать листами 4) горн. пласт, прослойка 5) слой 6) пластин(к)а; полоса; плёнка 7) листовой каучук 8) диаграмма; график; номограмма; таблица 9) карта 10) схема 11) полигр. оттиск 12) бланк 13) пищ. трафарет; противень 14) тестовая лента раскатывать тесто - sheet of water - air-dried sheet - application data sheet - application sheet - baled sheet - barrier sheet - basic standard sheet - bimetal sheet - black sheet - blue sheet - boom sheet - box-annealed sheet - burden sheet - cathode sheet - checkered sheet - clad metal sheet - cloud sheet - coated sheet - code sheet - cold-rolled sheet - control sheet - copy sheet - corrugated sheet - corrugated steel sheet - cue sheet - data sheet - dead-flat sheet - drawn sheet - dry sheet - duct sheet - dynamo steel sheet - electrical grade sheet - electrozinc coated sheet - end sheet - exposed sheet - fast sheet - filler sheet - first latex sheet - flange sheet - flat sheet - floor slope sheet - flow sheet - foam core sheet - folded sheet - galvanized sheet - glass sheet - grain-oriented electrical sheet - green sheet - grid sheet - heat-strengthened glass sheet - hot-rolled sheet - ice sheet - image-receiving sheet - interleaving sheet - iron black sheet - laminated sheet - layout sheet - lead-sealed sheet - light-gage sheet - light sheet - load and trim sheet - loading sheet - loose sheet - magnetic sheet - make-ready sheet - methods sheet - mica sheet - negative sheet - nonoriented electrical steel sheet - off-gage sheet - oil sheet - operation sheet - overfalling sheet - packing sheet - pack-rolled sheet - parent sheet - photoemulsion sheet - photosensitive sheet - pickled sheet - piled sheet - planished sheet - planning sheet - positive sheet - prime sheet - process sheet - processing sheets - program sheet - progressive...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a large rectangular piece of cotton or other fabric, used esp. in pairs as inner bedclothes. 2 a a broad usu. thin flat piece of material (e.g. paper or metal). b (attrib.) made in sheets (sheet iron). 3 a wide continuous surface or expanse of water, ice, flame, falling rain, etc. 4 a set of unseparated postage stamps. 5 derog. a newspaper, esp. a disreputable one. 6 a complete piece of paper of the size in which it was made, for printing and folding as part of a book. --v. 1 tr. provide or cover with sheets. 2 tr. form into sheets. 3 intr. (of rain etc.) fall in sheets. Phrases and idioms sheet lightning a lightning flash with its brightness diffused by reflection. sheet metal metal formed into thin sheets by rolling, hammering, etc. sheet music music published in cut or folded sheets, not bound. Etymology: OE scete, sciete f. Gmc 2. n. 1 a rope or chain attached to the lower corner of a sail for securing or controlling it. 2 (in pl.) the space at the bow or stern of an open boat. Phrases and idioms flowing sheets sheets eased for free movement in the wind. sheet anchor 1 a second anchor for use in emergencies. 2 a person or thing depended on in the last resort. sheet bend a method of temporarily fastening one rope through the loop of another. Etymology: ME f. OE sceata, ON skaut (as SHEET(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English shete, from Old English scete, sciete; akin to Old English sceat edge, Old High German scoz flap, skirt  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a broad piece of cloth; especially bed~  b. sail 1a(1)  2.  a.  (1) a usually rectangular piece of paper; especially one manufactured for printing  (2) a rectangular piece of heavy paper with a plant specimen mounted on it an herbarium of 100,000 ~s  b. a printed signature for a book especially before it has been folded, cut, or bound — usually used in plural  c. a newspaper, periodical, or occasional publication a gossip ~  d. the unseparated postage stamps printed by one impression of a plate on a single piece of paper; also a pane of stamps  3. a broad stretch or surface of something a ~ of ice  4. a suspended or moving expanse (as of fire or rain)  5.  a. a portion of something that is thin in comparison to its length and breadth  b. a flat baking pan of tinned metal a cookie ~  6. a surface or part of a surface in which it is possible to pass from any one point of it to any other without leaving the surface a hyperboloid of two ~s  • ~like adjective  II. adjective  Date: 1582  1. rolled or spread out in a ~  2. of, relating to, or concerned with the making of ~ metal  III. verb  Date: 1606  transitive verb  1. to cover with a ~ floors ~ed with dust  2. to furnish with ~s  3. to form into ~s  intransitive verb to fall, spread, or flow in a ~ the rain ~ed against the windows  • ~er noun  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English shete, from Old English sceata lower corner of a sail; akin to Old English scy?te ~  Date: 13th century  1. a rope or chain that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind  2. plural the spaces at either end of an open boat not occupied by thwarts ; fore~s and stern ~s together  V. transitive verb  Date: 1925 to move or set (a sail) by manipulation of a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sheets) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A sheet is a large rectangular piece of cotton or other cloth that you sleep on or cover yourself with in a bed. Once a week, a maid changes the sheets. N-COUNT 2. A sheet of paper is a rectangular piece of paper. ...a sheet of newspaper... I was able to fit it all on one sheet. N-COUNT 3. You can use sheet to refer to a piece of paper which gives information about something. ...information sheets on each country in the world. N-COUNT: usu n N 4. A sheet of glass, metal, or wood is a large, flat, thin piece of it. ...a cracked sheet of glass... Overhead cranes were lifting giant sheets of steel... N-COUNT: usu N of n 5. A sheet of something is a thin wide layer of it over the surface of something else. ...a sheet of ice. ...a blue-grey sheet of dust. N-COUNT: usu N of n 6. as white as a sheet: see white see also balance sheet, broadsheet, dust sheet, fact sheet, groundsheet, news-sheet, scoresheet, spreadsheet, worksheet ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a large piece of thin cotton or nylon cloth that you put on a bed to lie on or lie under  (change the sheets (=put clean sheets on a bed)) 2 a thin flat piece of something such as paper, glass, or metal, that usually has four sides + of  (I picked up a clean sheet of paper and began to write. | a sheet of glass) 3 a large flat area of something such as ice or water spread over a surface  (A sheet of ice covered the lake.) 4 a sheet of rain or fire is a very large moving mass of it  (The rain was coming down in sheets.) 5 technical a rope or chain that controls the angle between a sail and the wind on a ship  (- see also baking sheet, balance sheet, as white as a sheet white1 (2), clean sheet clean1 (10)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sciete (W.Saxon), scete (Mercian) "cloth, covering," from P.Gmc. *skautijon, from base *skauta- "project." Sense of "piece of paper" first recorded 1510; that of "broad, flat surface" is from 1593. Nautical meaning "rope that controls a sail" is in O.E. sceatline "sheet-line," from sceata "lower part of sail," originally "piece of cloth," the sense transfered to the rope by 1294. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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